Command | Description |
!frags / !kills | Shows you the frags you have and how many remaining for bans |
!share | Enable or disable shared experience |
!go | The leader of the guild can use this command to change all the outfits of his team |
Bring me to | premium account. Ex.: bring me to abdendriel |
Buy MF | Instant buy bp mf |
Buy BP blank rune | Instant buy bp blank rune |
Command | Description |
!buyhouse | Buy a house, remember to stand in front of the door + house coin in bag |
!leavehouse | Leave your house |
!sellhouse | The player needs to be in front of his door |
aleta som | Invite a sub- owner, this works only inside the house |
aleta sio | Invite a guest, this works only inside the house |
aleta grav | Edit a specific house door, this works only inside the house |
alana sio "name | Kick a player from the house, this works only inside the house |
Command | Description |
!war invite, guildname, frags | Invite war |
!war accept, guildname | Accept war |
!war reject, guildname | Reject war invite |
!war end | End war |
!war cancel, guildname | Cancel war (only those who accepted can cancel) |