Rules - Kronos
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OLDEBRA 8.0 is a dynamic game that encourages interaction among players from all around the world,  combining elements of competition and cooperation.
To ensure a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all, we have established a set of rules.
Oldebra reserves the right to interrupt disruptive behavior in the game, on the official website, or any  other part of the Oldebra 8.0 services.
Failure to comply with these rules may result in various consequences, such as warnings, bans, or  even permanent bans.


  1. Names:

    a) Offensive Name: Names that are insulting, racist, sexually related, Homophobia, harassment, or generally censurable.

    b) Name Containing Prohibited Advertising: Products or services from third parties, content unrelated to the game.

    c) Incitement to Violate the Rules: Names that encourage rule-breaking, for example: "Bot".

    d) False Administration: Names that suggest being part of the Administration or the server system (e.g., "Adm", "GM").

  2. Statements:

    a) Offensive Statement: Homophobia, racist, sexually related, harassment, or generally questionable statements.

    b) Spam: Repeating identical or similar statements excessively or using poorly formatted or meaningless text.

    c) Advertising: Announcing brands, products, or services from third parties, content unrelated to the game.
    Advertising of any kind of transaction involving real money payments within the game is prohibited.
    This applies not only to real money transactions for items but also to offers of buying accounts for real money.

    d) Off-topic Public Statements: Religious or political statements or other public statements unrelated to the channel or forum topic being used.

    e) Disclosure of Third-Party Personal Data: Sharing personal data of others.

    f) Support for Rule Violation: Statements that support, incite, announce, or imply a violation of Oldebra Rules.

    g) Destructive Behavior: Playing only to harm or significantly damage the server population or break a set of rules that constitute toxicity for the server (racism, bug abuse, depot traps, frag system abuse to avoid unfair deaths).

  3. Cheating:

    a) Bug Abuse: Exploiting obvious game bugs or any other part of the Oldebra server.

    b) Using Unofficial Software to Play: Running any illegal program while playing Oldebra, it will be detected by the system.
    Manipulating the official client program or using additional software to play.
    Additionally, using tools to perform actions in the game or auxiliary programs to play.
    Running the client in virtual machines also falls under this rule.

    c) Multiclient: It is established that each person can only have three characters online.
    No matter how many machines or internet connections you have, one person can only control three characters online.
    This does not mean you cannot play with your friends on the same internet, as long as you are controlling your character and your friend is controlling another, this is allowed.

    d) Using Any Method of Automation to Play:
    Besides using bots, any other method that makes the character perform automatic actions without being on the provided platform is prohibited.
    For example, fishing—if we detect no response from the character, it will be considered automation, and a permanent ban will be applied in any case.

  4. False Information:

    a) Pretending to be a Staff Member:
    Pretending to be a Oldebra staff member or having their legitimacy or powers.

    b) Slander or Incitement Against Oldebra:
    Posting clearly false information or calling for a boycott against Oldebra or its services.

    c) False Information to Oldebra Staff:
    Intentionally providing false or misleading information to Oldebra in reports about rule violations, complaints, bug reports, or support requests.

    d) Threatening:
    Any threats, expressed literally or implicitly, to staff members, personally or in general, will not be tolerated.
    Attempts to exert pressure through blackmail will also be considered offenses.

    e) General False Information:
    Any posting of false information about the staff or Oldebra will not be tolerated and may result in account punishment.

  5. Legal Issues:

    a) Hacking:
    Stealing accounts or personal data of other players.

    b) Attacking Oldebra 8.0:
    Attacking, interrupting, or damaging the operation of any Oldebra server, the game, or any other part of Oldebra services.

    c) Fraudulent Payment:
    Any form of fraudulent payment will result in the player's account being blocked.

Violating or attempting to violate Oldebra server rules may lead to temporary suspension of characters  and accounts.

In severe cases, the removal or modification of skills, attributes, and character belongings may be  considered;
as well as the permanent removal of characters and accounts without compensation, depending on  the violation assessment made by our team.

Sanctions are based on the severity of the rule violation and the player's prior history. It is at the exclusive discretion of the Oldebra staff and may be imposed without prior notice.

These rules can be changed at any time.

When creating an account on the Oldebra server, you agree to changes made by the staff without prior notice, such as updates, balancing, and others.

All changes will be announced on the official website.


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