Latest News - Kronos
Contentbox headline
19 Dec 2024 -
Teremos uma atualização programada para o dia 19/12/2024, às 14:00...

Teremos uma atualização programada para o dia 19/12/2024, às 14:00 (horário de Brasília). Retornaremos assim que for finalizada.


We will have a scheduled update on 12/19/2024 at 2:00 PM (Brasília time). We will resume as soon as it is completed.

15 Dec 2024 -
Abertura oficial 16/12/2024 às 19:00 Official opening on...

Abertura oficial 16/12/2024 às 19:00

Official opening on 12/16/2024 at 7:00 PM.

15 Dec 2024 -
A criação de contas no...

A criação de contas no servidor foi liberada hoje.

The creation of accounts on the server was enabled today.

2 Dec 2024 -
Abertura Test Sever 03/12/24 às 18:00h (BR-TIME)

Abertura Test Sever 03/12/24 às 18:00h (BR-TIME)

2 Dec 2024 -
Doações serão liberadas dia 09/12/2024.

Doações serão liberadas dia 09/12/2024.

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Bem vindo ao Kronos 7.4

Prepare-se para reviver a emoção da versão 7.4 do Tibia! O Kronos é um servidor dedicado a proporcionar a experiência clássica e imersiva que tantos jogadores amaram. Se você é um veterano do Tibia ou um novo aventureiro, Kronos é o lugar perfeito para explorar, combater e se divertir!
Contentbox headline
20.12.2024 -


All players will receive 2 days of premium account, available at the Thais temple.  

Premium accounts: 
Now offer 5% extra XP.  

- Improvements to the client and proxy routes (make sure to download the new client, as the previous one was heavier). 
- Bug fixes and monster adjustments. 
- New item in the Store: Red Skull Remover! 

- New outfits added to the Store! 

- It will only be possible to create 1 character per account.

ERROR: Error in the frag counter within the client is already being fixed. Please use the command !frags.

Thank you for your continuous feedback, and we hope you enjoy the updates! 
Kronos 7.4 Team

20.12.2024 -

Update Note – Kronos 7.4

Dear players,

Check out the latest update implemented on the Kronos 7.4 server:

Premium Account:
Premium Features:
All players will be redirected to the Thais temple upon login.
If your Premium Account is not being recognized, please open a support ticket for assistance.
VIP Items Adjustments

Regeneration Items:
Kronos Boots: regenerates 2 health and 1 mana every 10 seconds.
Kronos Ring: regenerates 1 health  and 2 mana  every 10 seconds.

Class Balancing:
Paladin: All ranged weapons now drop on the ground after use with the exception of the small stone; damage adjustments. 
Sorcerer/Druid: Summons now share experience with the player.
Druid: Increased cost for creating the Avalanche rune.

Svargrond Arena Balancing:
Adjusted combats to ensure greater balance and competitiveness.

Technical Improvements:
Sprite Update: Fixes to monster and item sprites.
Proxy System Correction and Optimization: More stable and efficient connections.
Client Optimization: Overall performance enhancements for a smoother experience.
Map Fixes: Corrections to visual errors reported on the map.
Loot Fixes: Balancing loot from certain monsters.
Library Items Update
New Wiki: Implementing a functional wiki on the website for better support and information.

New Report Tool:
Reporting System Integrated with Discord: Press CTRL+R to report directly to the support server.

It will be necessary to download a new client directly from the website to continue playing.
Click here to download: Download

We appreciate your continuous feedback and hope you enjoy the new features!
Kronos 7.4 Team


Greenhorn Arena: lvl recomended 40+
Scrapper Arena: lvl recomended 70+
Warlord Arena: lvl recomended 100+


15.12.2024 -
Abertura Oficial!! - Official Opening!!

2.12.2024 -
Test Server!!

 Kronos 7.4

Test server 03/12/2024 às 18:00

Sejam bem vindos ao Kronos, um novo servidor feito por jogadores para jogadores


Market System



Boosted Creatures

New Monsters

New Hunts

Quests (Pits of Inferno e Inquistion)

Task System

War System

Damage Reduction (UE/GFB/AVALANCHE)

Guide Library (Items, Monsters and Hunts)

Anti Lag System

Anti Rollback

Host BR



Novas Cidades (Svargrond, Liberty Bay e Port Hope)




Opçao Esconder OU Mostrar Auras e Shaders

Duraçao Cargas,Tempo em items !!


Venha se divertir com o nosso servidor, feito por jogadores para jogadores!


Creature of the Day Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

